'The corporate culture is truly unique!'

December 7, 2023

Prospact Juriaan Betist

Our new junior software engineer Juriaan Betist is 22 years old and lives in the Breda region. He joined Team Prospact in October. Juriaan made an immediate impression with the design of the Formula 1 simulator! He introduces himself and enthusiastically talks about his work and hobbies, which have many similarities.

Juriaan combines his work at Prospact with the associate degree in mechatronics engineering.

Working and learning

"That is quite manageable. For my education, I have to go to school one day a week," Juriaan explains. "That's why I was also looking for work through a secondment agency. They suggested Prospact, although my background does not fully match Prospact's job description."


He continues: "My experience, which I also gained in internships, relates more to the mechanical aspect of industrial automation. But I am very eager to learn and both Bastiaan, Sandor and I saw many opportunities after our first interview where I can add value."

Eager to learn

In practice, it means that Juriaan engages in a lot of self-development. "Software programming is a relatively unknown branch for me. I see that as a nice challenge and I get plenty of opportunities on courses and other opportunities to develop myself. As a result, I am now learning a lot at a fast pace! I have also already been able to apply my experience practically, using ChatGPT in Excel and PCS7."

Simulator designed

And as mentioned, Juriaan designed the frame for our new Formula 1 simulator <LINK>. "Besides my experience applying ChatGPT, I have also worked a lot with 3D visualisations. I myself am doing a lot of 3D printing. I also have a large laser cutter at home that I can control digitally. I make things on request, but also on my own initiative."

Crafting at a high level

Juriaan: "I like to tinker at a high level! I like 3D drawing, but also making furniture. For example, I made a screen riser for Prospact. I also like to process or visualise data. I also have ambitions in that. And I see opportunities for that at Prospact. For example, in Excel: there are a lot of tricks there that have not yet been used. I can apply them well. And that can add value to projects. There are many interesting opportunities for visualisations there."

Wanting to improve

Juriaan experiences the corporate culture at Prospact as unique. "It is a beautiful company. Very modern and the website makes an impression. I really make the link with progress, wanting to improve. That really attracts me: I get great opportunities to learn a lot here. And the atmosphere is good, very friendly and very human. It is not hierarchical. I feel at ease and valued as a human being."

Good communication

"Good mutual communication is important," he continues. "Everyone is approachable and anything is possible, as long as you communicate. For example, working from home, or finishing work at another time. That stimulates, and makes me want to do things right for my colleagues. That dynamic is really the advantage of a smaller company, I think. Nothing compares to Prospact!"

Has Juriaan's enthusiastic story piqued your interest? Then take a look at our vacancies or contact us.

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