Artificial Intelligence quarterly meeting

January 11, 2024

Prospact's quarterly meeting was all about technology opportunities. Our new colleague, Juriaan Betist and Sandor Hoogveld both gave presentations. These covered AI developments, such as ChatGPT and Power Query in Excel. 

Of course, the 'social component' also received ample attention!


Juriaan Betist demonstrated the possibilities of ChatGPT to us, specifically for our work. He showed how this form of Artificial Intelligence can contribute to working more efficiently. For instance, based on our input, ChatGPT can provide us with generated code language that we can use as a basis in our applications and fine-tune. But generating stock photos is also among the possibilities.


Interacting with ChatGPT for various tasks, is a significant improvement over our traditional usage. Juriaan further stressed the importance of privacy and careful handling of sensitive information, when using these technologies.


Juriaan complemented his presentation with videos on how ChatGPT can be used in our daily operations. A hands-on demonstration showed how two datasets can be efficiently merged by giving simple instructions to ChatGPT, which can significantly speed up our work process.

Power Query in Excel

Next, Sandor 'took the stage': he informed us about the power of Power Query in Excel. He shared his experiences in setting up this standard Excel tool. For example, loading data from various sources, including images, databases and existing Excel tables. By cleansing and editing data, very targeted relevant information can be brought together. This merged data is then displayed in Excel without changing the content of the data. A great advantage of Power Query is that you do not need to know code language to build difficult formulas, for example, the editor is very user-friendly.   

Pivot tables

Sandor illustrated how every step of the process is insightful, and re-adjustable afterwards, which promotes transparency and traceability in our work. He also showed how Power Query helps to consistently apply editing steps to newly added data. In doing so, he also showed the usefulness of pivot tables. These allow you to display data representatively with any visual aspects such as graphs.


We fittingly ended the quarterly meeting at a local sushi restaurant! Bastiaan van Eck briefly looked back at the past period and expressed his expectations for the coming quarter. This transitioned seamlessly into a convivial conclusion to the day. 

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