Presents for Process Translators-to-be

December 5th, 2024

Prospact sinterklaas

Conviviality, creativity and a touch of magic last Friday afternoon during the Process Translators' Sinterklaas drinks party. We invited colleagues, partners and children to our office in Boxtel for a real Saint Nicholas celebration!

Shoes had already been brought the week before, in which Sinterklaas and Piet had secretly hidden presents.

Good atmosphere

The afternoon started with crafts and of course lots of sweets, after which the children went in search of their shoes. With big smiles on their faces, the presents were unwrapped: the atmosphere was great!

A real family

After all the crafting, snacking and unwrapping of presents, we ended the day together with a delicious meal. We look back on a pleasant and successful afternoon. At times like these, we really feel like a family!

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